Address: Have a Safe and Happy Fourth of July
The White House
July 4, 2015
Happy Fourth of July,
everybody. Like many of you, Michelle,
Sasha, Malia, and I are going to spend the day outdoors, grilling burgers and
dogs, and watching the fireworks with our family and friends. It’s also Malia’s birthday, which always
makes the Fourth extra fun for us.
As always, we’ve invited some
very special guests to our backyard barbecue – several hundred members of our military
and their families. On this most
American of holidays, we remember that all who serve here at home and overseas,
represent what today is all about. And
we remember that their families serve, too.
We are so grateful for their service and for their sacrifice.
We remember as well that this is
the day when, 239 years ago, our founding patriots declared our independence,
proclaiming that all of us are created equal, endowed by our Creator with
certain unalienable rights including the rights to life, liberty, and the
pursuit of happiness.
A couple of centuries later, we
have made ourselves into a big, bold, dynamic, and diverse country. We are of all races, we come from all places,
we practice all faiths, and believe in all sorts of different ideas. But our allegiance to this declaration – this
idea – is the creed that binds us together.
It’s what, out of many, makes us one.
And it’s been the work of each
successive generation to keep this founding creed safe by making sure its words
apply to every single American. Folks
have fought, marched, protested, even died for that endeavor, proving that as
Americans, our destiny is not written for us, but by us.
We honor those heroes today. We honor everyone who continually strives to
make this country a better, stronger, more inclusive, and more hopeful
place. We, the people, pledge to make
their task our own – to secure the promise of our founding words for our own
children, and our children’s children.
And finally, what better weekend
than this to cheer on Team USA – good luck to the U.S. Women’s National Team in
the World Cup Final!
Thanks, everybody. From my family to yours, have a safe and
happy Fourth of July. |
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