双语新闻:乌克兰革命乱成一团 仍值得支持

2014-05-13 11:40:52来源:可可英语

  But the fighting in towns such as Slavyansk and Donetsk carries its own risks. The large number of civilian casualties, particularly in Odessa, further west, opens the government in Kiev to charges of brutality. The fact that much of the fighting is between Ukrainians feeds into the Russian narrative – that Ukraine is a deeply divided country, many of whose citizens look to Russia for protection. Above all, the fighting risks giving Russia an excuse to send troops into Ukraine, under the guise of a “peacekeeping mission”.


  The Ukrainian government knows that it would lose a conventional war with Russia, whose military is larger and better-equipped. Russia also has an air superiority of more than 80:1. The Ukrainians would like Nato to declare a “no-fly zone” over their country, in the event of a Russian invasion. But that is a daydream. The Americans are not going to shoot down Russian jets.


  The Russian parliament has already pre-authorised an invasion of Ukraine and a large Russian army is hovering on the Ukrainian border. But what does President Vladimir Putin want? Mr Yatseniuk argues that “Putin has no limits . . .  He wants to become the emperor of a new type of Soviet empire.”

  俄罗斯议会已经预先批准入侵乌克兰,大量俄军正在乌克兰边境集结。但俄罗斯总统弗拉基米尔•普京(Vladimir Putin)到底想要什么?亚采纽克称,“普京没有底线……他想成为一种新型苏维埃帝国的皇帝。”

  But many in Kiev still find the thought of a full-scale Russian invasion hard to credit. When I asked Victor Pinchuk, one of Ukraine’s richest and most internationally connected businessmen, if Russia might seek to go all the way to Kiev, he rolled his eyes and said “science-fiction”. An alternative theory is that Mr Putin simply wants to create enough chaos in Ukraine to prevent a presidential election, planned for May 25 – as well as thwarting any thought of Ukraine moving closer to the EU.

  但基辅的很多人仍然不相信俄罗斯会全面入侵。维克托•平丘克(Victor Pinchuk)是乌克兰最富有、与国际联系最为紧密的商人之一。当我问他,俄军是否会一路攻入基辅时,他转了转眼睛,说,“天方夜谭”。另外一种说法是,普京只不过想在乌克兰制造足够的混乱,以搅黄计划于5月25日举行的总统选举,并挫败乌克兰进一步向欧盟(EU)靠拢的任何企图。



