
2014-06-04 15:55:43来源:可可英语


  In a note earlier this week, Barnabas Gan, an analyst with OCBC Bank, wrote, "Historically, a military intervention has been effective in ending political strife and establishing a legitimate government presence." He added that martial law was likely just the Ya Kom, or "bitter medicine," the politically and economically ailing nation needed.

  上周早些时候,华侨银行(OCBC Bank)分析师巴纳巴斯o贾恩曾写道:“历史上,军事干预一直都是结束政治冲突和建立合法政府的有效方法。”他补充道,戒严令就像是“苦口良药”,正是在政治和经济上患病的国家所需要的。

  Yet, there are also reasons to think things will not be so, uh, rosy this go round. A lot has happened since 2006—much of it the fallout from that smooth-as-silk coup. Shinawatra, who lives in self-imposed exile in Dubai, nevertheless remains popular and at the heart of Thailand's political problems. (Since being deposed, he's had a brother-in-law, a younger sister, and a close business crony in the seat of power). His political base, much of which comes from Thailand's rural provinces, is increasingly wealthy, educated, and unwilling to tolerate the undemocratic developments dealt them by the country's elites. That anti-coup demonstrations sprung up today in Bangkok is a show of that and a sure sign the coup will only add to that list of grievances and to the likelihood of more violence.


  Ultimately, that will not be a good thing for business. Nor in the very short term, will the post-coup curfew, which has already disrupted tourist plans—even Bangkok's notoriously seedy red light districts reportedly shut down—and night shifts at the nation's many automobile plants. (Honda, Toyota and Ford are among car manufacturers there.)


  Adithep Vanabriksha, CIO at Aberdeen Asset Management Thailand, says much of the country's economic fate relies on how quickly the junta can live up to their name. "Going forward, key questions remain unanswered: who will lead the interim government, how long the military will remain in control, when the next elections will be held. The effectiveness of the interim government and the speedy return to electoral democracy will be key to reviving the sagging economy."

  泰国安本资产管理公司(Aberdeen Asset Management Thailand)CIO阿迪蒂普表示,泰国的经济命运很大程度上取决于军方需要多长时间来兑现承诺。“未来的关键问题仍未解决:将由谁来领导临时政府,军方将掌权多长时间,何时举行下一次选举。临时政府的有效性和迅速恢复民主选举将是低迷的泰国经济能否实现振兴的关键。”

  That's no easy task. He adds, "Longer term, the underlying reasons for the deep divisions are still haunting Thailand and will need to be addressed before a lasting solution can be found."




