But this can be misleading. Adjusted for the state of the economy, the deficit is actuallygetting bigger. As CBO and others project, the long, slow economic recovery will continue thenext few years, bringing the economy very close to full employment by about 2018. Theimprovement of the economy reduces the deficit automatically as tax receipts rise andpayments for programs like unemployment compensation fall. To separate the effects of theeconomy from the effects of policies, analysts examine the cyclically adjusted deficit, whichremoves the effects of the business cycle for a more meaningful look at the state of the deficit.
As shown in the figure, the cyclically adjusted deficit is projected to rise sharply over thedecade, from about 1.5% of GDP this year and next to more than 3.5% in the out years. (Under a more realistic alternative fiscal scenario, the cyclically adjusted deficit rises toabout 3.8 % of GDP in the out years.) A full employment deficit of 3.5% of GDP is serious —the highest since 1990, when policy makers saw deficits caused Bush to violate his own “readmy lips, no new taxes” pledge and led lawmakers to enact a deficit reduction package andsignificant budget reforms.
Long-term fiscal policy is not a crisis. It is not even the most important issue facing theeconomy this moment – strengthening the recovery is – and the fiscal situation should notstand in the way of changes along those lines. Deficit projections have come down the last fewyears and are subject to uncertainty.
But don’t confuse these points with claims of victory in the debt wars. There is still a long wayto go and a lot to gain from dealing with fiscal policy choices – in the right way at the righttime.
Bill Gale, the Arjay and Frances Miller Chair in Federal Economic Policy in the Economic StudiesProgram at Brookings Institution, is an expert on tax policy, fiscal issues, pensions, and savingbehavior. He is also co-director of the Tax Policy Center and director of the RetirementSecurity Project at Brookings.
比尔o盖尔在布鲁金斯研究所(Brookings Institution)经济研究项目Arjay and Frances Miller Chair教席研究员,专攻联邦经济政策,是税收政策、财政问题、退休金和储蓄行为专家。他还是该研究所税收政策中心联席主任和退休保障项目的负责人。
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