Meanwhile its smaller rival, Royal Caribbean, seen as the better positioned of the two for Chinaby analysts,is set to redeploy its newest ship, the 4,200-passenger Quantum of the Seas, toShanghai year-round starting in next spring after only six months cruising New York-Caribbeantrips. (The Quantum is scheduled to debut in November.)
与此同时,分析师更为看好的规模稍小的皇家加勒比正准备把其最新的游轮迁到上海,这艘可容纳4200名乘客的海洋量子号(Quantum of the Seas)将在纽约和加勒比海之间航行6个月(定于11月份首航),此后从明年春天开始常驻上海运营。
The interest in China comes as European demand for cruising is pressured by a chronicallyweak economy and lingering memories of the 2012 Costa Concordia (a Carnival-operated ship)disaster, which killed 32 passengers when the ship ran aground off the Italian coasts, and asthe U.S. market continues to mature. Cruise companies have had to lower prices to enticecustomers in such those markets.
与对中国市场的兴趣相伴的,是欧洲游轮市场的需求因经济长期低迷受到了抑制,而且人们对2012年的歌诗达协和号(Costa Concordia)游轮事故仍心有余悸(当时,嘉年华旗下的这艘游轮在意大利海岸触礁,造成32名乘客丧生)。与此同时,美国市场趋于成熟。游轮公司在欧美市场不得不通过降价来吸引消费者。
And there is no denying the enormous potential of Chinese tourism: some 100 millionChinese are set to travel abroad this year. In 2012, Chinese consumers spent more than $100billion on travel abroad, with that growing 28% in the first 9 months of 2013 (full year data arenot available yet), according to the United Nations World Tourism Organization.
中国在旅游方面的巨大潜力毋庸置疑:今年中国出境游人数将达到约1亿人。联合国世界旅游组织(UnitedNations World Tourism Organization)提供的数据显示,2012年,中国游客在境外的消费超过1000亿美元,2013年前9个月又增长了28%(尚无全年数据)。
“For a market of that magnitude, there is still extremely little awareness of cruising andwhat the cruising experience is,” Adam Goldstein, Royal Caribbean’s operating chief, toldFortune in a recent interview. “While it (China) may not register too much on the Richterscale yet, the plans we plans we’ve made for next year—including bringing Quantum of theSeas to Shanghai—we weren’t thinking in those terms in 2012.”
本文关键字: 中国旅游市场成为国际游轮巨头的新战场
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