The company, which raised $1.2bn in funding from backers including Google Ventures andKleiner Perkins at a $17bn valuation in June, is in a hurry to establish its network before Lyftand other rivals. Treating legal challenges as a cost of doing business is characteristic of itsaggression – it is also poaching drivers from Lyft in the US.
今年6月,Uber从Google Ventures和Kleiner Perkins等资金后台筹得12亿美元,使其估值达到170亿美元。Uber急于抢在Lyft等竞争对手之前建立自己的网络。把法律挑战视为一种经营成本,是Uber咄咄逼人特点的体现;它在美国正试图吸引Lyft的司机跳槽。
Taxi Deutschland, the consortium of taxi operators that brought the Frankfurt case, accusesUber of “[wrapping] itself in a start-up look and selling itself as a new economy saviour” whilehurting the public good. It is not alone in being sceptical – Berlin’s DIW research instituteargued recently that the taxi market should not be subjected to “full deregulation”.
出租车运营商联盟Taxi Deutschland在法兰克福法庭对Uber提起了诉讼,指责Uber“把自己‘装扮成’一家初创企业,以新经济救世主的身份进行自我推销”,同时损害了公共利益。不仅该联盟产生怀疑,柏林的德国经济研究所(DIW)不久前也声称,出租车市场不应“完全放开管制”。
Regulation of taxis clearly has benefits – people climb into taxis and private hire cars withoutknowing who the driver is or how safe the vehicle is, and they need some safeguards. Theyalso benefit from official taxis being required to take a passenger to any destination, basedon a clear fare structure.
It makes sense to give taxis privileges, such as the right to be hailed in the street, tocompensate for being tightly regulated (and not, for example, applying “surge pricing” attimes of scarcity, as Uber does). It would be short-sighted to permit a free-for-all private hire,or unfettered amateur ride-sharing, and put taxis out of business.
The problem, however, is not that taxis are endangered, but the opposite – they are overlyprotected. “The private for-hire market is very extremely locked down in many cities,” saysPierre-Dimitri Gore-Coty, the head of Uber in western Europe. Two legislative efforts toliberalise private hire in Germany have failed amid taxi opposition.
但问题不是出租车被置于危险之中,而是相反,它们受到了过度保护。Uber西欧业务主管皮埃尔-迪米特里•戈尔-柯提(Pierre-Dimitri Gore-Coty)表示,“在很多城市,私车出租市场非常受限。”在德国,由于出租车行业的反对,两次放开私车出租市场的立法努力以失败告终。
As a result, the bulk of the market in many cities is taken by taxis, with a slice of private hireoperators at the top and bottom. These provide executive limousines for companies and radiocabs for people who do not want to pay the taxi fare. Taxis face very weak competition in themiddle – well-trained and courteous drivers in smart, clean cars.
本文关键字: 双语新闻 德国不该对Uber喊停
时长 : 21:15 主讲 : 徐宸
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