And then maybe you could build preschools for every single one of our kids. Maybe you couldhelp turn that pipeline to prison into a highway to college; help give every child in America aneducation that is truly worth of their promise. Those are the kind of big dreams that folks whofounded this university reached for. That is how high they set their bar.
And so we owe it to those folks -- the folks who had the audacity to call their little schools“universities” and name their baby boys “Emperor” -- we owe it to them to reach as high asthey did, and to bring others along the way. As the history of this school has taught us, nodream is too big, no vision is too bold; as long as we stay hungry for education and let thathunger be our North Star, there is nothing, graduates, nothing that we cannot achieve.
So, graduates, that is your mission. This is your obligation. I want you to keep reachinghigher. I want you all to keep raising your bars. Let the next generation know that there is nogreater investment than a good education. And if you do all of this, then I am confident thatyou will uphold that duty and write your own chapter into the legacy of this great university.And let me tell you something, I cannot wait to see the world that your children will be borninto.
Congratulations. I love you all. I am honored to be here. I am proud of you. God bless you. Andthank your families. (Applause.)
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