Thank you, Mr jobs. And we're really excited that you call Apple our home. If you go to yourshop at anything they have a T-shirt that says the mother ship has landed, and if you look atthis picture, definitely the mother ship has landed here in Cupertino. Is there any questions orcomments from council colleagues, council member Wang?
Hi, Steve.
Quick question, I think people are curious to know what the city residence can benefit fromthis new campus.
Well, as you know, we're the largest tax payer in Cupertino, so we'd like to continue to stayhere and pay taxes. That's number one. Because if we can't, then we go have to somewherelike Mountain View. And we take up people with us, we give up and over years sell the land here,and the largest tax base would go away. That wouldn't be good for Cupertino.
我们是Cupertino的纳税大户,你懂得,我们很高兴能留下来继续缴税,这点最重要。如果新园区项目流产,我们不得不另栖他处,比如Mountain View.。我们只有带着员工离开,把地卖掉。我想Cupertino不会希望缴税大户离开。
No of course not.
And wouldn't be good for us either, so that's number one. And number two, we employ somereally talented great people and across the whole age spectrum. A lot of people right out ofcollage, hire a lot of Stanford grads, etc, and you know people in their 50s and even 60s, likeme I'm in my 50s. So I think there's a lot of them wanna live around where they work. We havea lot of people riding bikes to work now. We also run a bus service. We got 20 buses that runon bio-diesel fuel. They are the cleanest bus that you can buy. We've got 20 of them doingroutes all the way from San Francisco to Santa Cruz bringing people in. So, those are the kindsof things could benefit Cupertino. And influx of tax base, and influx of very talented peoplewho are, you know, getting paid. We put them in a fairly affluent group of people, and many ofthem would choose to make Cupertino their personal home as well as professional home. Ithink there is a lot there plusia whole lot of trees.
我们也不想,所以这是第一条。此 外,我们雇佣了很多优秀人才,各个年龄阶段的人都有。我雇了很多大学毕业生,比如斯坦福大学,还有50、60岁的员工,像我就是。在这里安家会是他们的首 选。现在就有很多员工选择骑自行车去上班,我们也有公共交通系统,20辆烧生物燃料的班车,是目前最环保的车。这20辆班车目前正在旧金山和圣克鲁兹之间 来回运行。这些都能让Cupertino受益。给Cupertino带来稳定的税收,优秀的人才,这些人收入颇丰,他们多半还会选择定居此地(拉动消 费),当然,还有大片的数目和景观咯。
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