• 芙蓉姐姐都瘦了你还在等什么?

      Sometimes simple changes can bring about big results. When it comes to losing weight, more often than not, it’s all about numbers.  有时简单的转...

    来源 : 网络 03月05日 00:00 关键字 : calories

  • “末日之钟”拨快一分钟

      Scientists on Tuesday pushed the hands of the infamous "Doomsday Clock" forward one minute from last year, signalling their increasing pessimism about ...

    来源 : 网络 03月05日 00:00 关键字 : 末日之钟

  • 牛仔裤三月不洗无异味

      Teenagers rejoice! Wearing jeans for three months without washing them doesn't make them smell worse   欢呼吧,年轻人!牛仔裤三个月不洗也没异味   For tho...

    来源 : 南京人事考试网(新东方在线) 03月05日 00:00 关键字 : 牛仔裤

  • 老外汉语作文逗乐众网友

      Foreigner‘s Chinese Composition Amuses Chinese Netizens  老外的汉语作文乐坏中国网友  A photograph of a foreigner’s beginner’s Mandarin comp...

    来源 : 网络 03月05日 00:00 关键字 : Xiao

  • 年薪1.4万英镑!白金汉宫招浴缸总管

      It is hardly a complex or onerous procedure, but Buckingham Palace has decided that running one’s own bath is not a task that members of the ...

    来源 : 网络 03月05日 00:00 关键字 : 浴缸塞

  • Facebook受苹果启发在华疯狂注册商标

    更多双语资讯请点击>>  Apple’s recent iPad trademark dispute has caused concerns among international companies over the legitimacy of their own trademark...

    来源 : 沪江英语 03月05日 00:00 关键字 : facebook

  • 女生最招人嫌的十大习惯

      Women are the most complex creatures known, they are sweet, charming, but they have different sense of everything, they are the difficult ones to ple...

    来源 : 网络 03月05日 00:00 关键字 : they

  • 英国奇女子:31年人生只吃披萨过活

      Thirty-three-year-old Claire Simmons, of Notting Hill in London, is in a monogamousrelationship with a dangerous partner: pizza.  33岁的克莱尔·西蒙斯来自...

    来源 : 网络 03月05日 00:00 关键字 : 披萨

  • 智能广告牌现身伦敦:广告只给女人看

      A street advert which uses facial-recognition technology to tell men from women is to be used for the first time.  一款通过面部识别技术来辨别男女的广告...

    来源 : 网络 03月05日 00:00 关键字 : 女人看

  • 推特上最流行的分手短信

      It's a cold way to give someone the heave-ho but it's becoming all the more common - and as 2012 gets underway it seems many people are cl...

    来源 : 沪江英语 03月05日 00:00 关键字 : 分手短信

  • 囧研究:红衣男人 女人最爱

      "The Lady in Red" is famous in movies, books and music, but men in red turn out to be just as alluring, according to a new study that found men...

    来源 : 沪江英语网 03月05日 00:00 关键字 : 红衣女郎

  • 奥巴马被围观:推广汉字人人有责

      US President Barack Obamas account on popular social network Google Plus has been swamped by Chinese posts, which analysts said indicates the Chinese ...

    来源 : 可可英语 03月05日 00:00 关键字 : Google

  • 社交活动有利于保持苗条身材

      Keeping a busy social life amongst lots of friends may keep people slimmer than spending several hours on a treadmill, according to scientists.  科学...

    来源 : 网络 03月05日 00:00 关键字 : 棕色脂肪

  • 耐克新款运动鞋遭疯抢

      Arrests, pepper spray, gunshots, brawls and doors pulled off hinges:Chaos at stores across U.S. as thousands of shoppers scramble for new Nike Air Jor...

    来源 : 网络 03月05日 00:00 关键字 : 疯抢

  • “有缘千里来相会”怎么说?

    第一步:原句放送Separated as we are thousands of miles apart, we come together as if by predestination.  第二步:译海拾贝有缘千里来相会。  第三步:天衣...

    来源 : 可可英语 03月05日 00:00 关键字 : we



