
2014-04-25 14:46:22来源:可可英语

  The Communist Party ousted the senior officer of one of China's largest state-owned enterprises, suggesting its anticorruption campaign--which has already rattled upper echelons of the national leadership--is spilling into new sectors.


  Last week, the Communist Party's Central Commission for Discipline Inspection accused China Resources Chairman Song Lin of unspecified 'suspected serious violations of discipline and law,' phrasing Chinese authorities typically use in reference to corruption. The party on Saturday said it removed him from the conglomerate.

  上周,中共中央纪律检查委员会(简称:中纪委)宣布华润集团(China Resources)董事长宋林“涉嫌严重违纪违法”,中国当局通常用这种说法指代腐败行为。中共上周六说,宋林已被免职。

  The firing followed allegations by a reporter for a newspaper owned by the government news agency Xinhua that Mr. Song abused his power in corporate dealings, for instance by personally benefiting from a coal mine acquisition.


  Before his dismissal, Mr. Song last week defended his reputation in a statement that dismissed the reporter's allegations as 'pure fabrication and malicious slander.' Mr. Song's whereabouts were unknown but he is believed to be in the hands of party investigators, who routinely detain suspects without formal charges and deny them access to lawyers.


  China Resources, a Hong Kong-based trading conglomerate with $64.5 billion in turnover last year, according to the company, is one of 113 business groups directly owned by China's central government.


  The shake-up illustrates how China's massive state-owned enterprises represent a crossroads of commerce and politics, according to some analysts. They doubt professional misdeeds by Mr. Song fully explain his removal by the party, which has full discretion to appoint heads of its major companies.


  'This is not only about anticorruption, but also involves power struggle, ' said Zhao Xiao, an economics professor at Beijing University of Science and Technology who formerly ran a research arm of the government agency that manages China Resources and the other 112 business groups, the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission.

  Bloomberg News华润集团董事长宋林因涉嫌违纪违法被免去职务。北京科技大学经济学教授赵晓称,这不仅关乎反腐,还涉及到权力斗争。赵晓曾是国务院国有资产监督管理委员会(简称:国资委)下属一个研究机构的负责人。国资委负责管理华润集团和其他112家企业集团。

  Mr. Song's removal likely represents a new chapter in the president's corruption campaign, some analysts say, expecting other current or retired senior politicians will be affected by the shake-up.


  'When one falls, it signals the whole faction is affected,' said Xi Li, an expert on China's state-owned enterprises at Hong Kong University of Science and Technology.

  香港科技大学(Hong Kong University of Science and Technology)中国国有企业问题专家李系称,一名官员落马意味着整个派系将受到影响。

  Until recently, party investigators appeared to focus on China's petroleum industry by detaining on suspicion of corruption oil company executives and tycoons connected to the business. In several cases, those people enjoyed ties to former oil man Zhou Yongkang, who retired from the Politburo Standing Committee during the 2012 party leadership. Mr. Zhou hasn't been named in those investigations, and he couldn't be reached to comment.


  'The change in leadership at [China Resources] shows that the anticorruption campaign is spreading to the SOEs,' said Mr. Zhao. 'Any high-level personnel change has a complicated political background.'


  In the past, surgical removals sparked by Chinese party politics have done little damage to the workings of large business groups. Though exceptionally powerful, business figures like Mr. Song tend to be easily replaced, analysts said.


  'There's a system in place, not just one person,' said the SOE specialist, Mr. Li. The party's appointee draws his position from patronage, Mr. Li said, and the task is to engage with state leaders and safeguard government assets, not maximize business profits.




