双语新闻:袁亚非 可能只有怪人才能成功

2014-05-13 11:31:41来源:可可英语

  In the presidential suite of a Hong Kong hotel, Yuan Yafei starts his morning with a glass of warm green tea, a pack of cigarettes and a long, thick Cuban cigar.


双语新闻:袁亚非 可能只有怪人才能成功

  “You want?” the Chinese tycoon asks, breaking into English to offer a cigar before launching back into the story of how he ended up buying House of Fraser, the British department store chain that in better days also owned Harrods.

  “You want?(来一根吗?)”在回顾自己是如何一步步走到收购了英国百货连锁公司House of Fraser之前,这位中国大亨先用英语问记者要不要来根雪茄。House of Fraser风光的时候旗下也曾拥有哈罗德百货公司(Harrods)。

  Mr Yuan is chairman of Sanpower, a little-known Nanjing conglomerate that has snapped up 89 per cent of the UK chain in the biggest Chinese foreign retail deal in history.

  袁亚非是三胞集团(Sanpower)的董事长,这家鲜为人知的南京企业集团刚刚迅速买入了House of Fraser 89%的股权,创下了迄今中国买家在零售业最大的一笔对外收购交易。

  Sitting in front of an enormous Chinese screen painting, the chain-smoking entrepreneur says he first heard of House of Fraser five months ago when a banker told him that it was on the block. Despite having almost no international experience, he decided that House of Fraser’s long history and experience could help him expand his retail empire in China.

  这位烟不离手的企业家坐在一扇巨大的中式画屏前,讲起自己第一次听说House of Fraser,是5个月前从一个银行家那儿听说它正在出售。虽然他几乎没有任何海外经验,但他认为House of Fraser悠久的历史和丰富的经验有助于扩展他在中国的零售帝国。

  “When I was growing up, we always thought that England or Great Britain represented old-fashioned capitalism,” the 49-year-old Mr Yuan says through his interpreter. “Its culture was quite mysterious and fascinating to Chinese people, especially of my generation.”


  Sanpower owns Nanjing Xinjiekou, one of the oldest department stores in China, but like other traditional retailers, it is facing headwinds from the slowdown in the Chinese economy and the rapid rise of ecommerce.


  “The department store business model hasn’t changed a bit,” says Mr Yuan. “But the world is changing, our customer is changing, the way they’re buying merchandise, the concept is changing, so we must change.”


  Asked why House of Fraser can help his domestic business when very few Chinese have heard of the company, Mr Yuan says Sanpower can learn from the brand and the supply chain management experience it has built since 1849.

  被问及为什么House of Fraser这样一家中国人鲜有听闻的公司,能对他的国内业务有所帮助时,袁亚非表示,三胞集团可以学习该公司自1849年建立起的品牌以及积累的供应链管理经验。



