双语新闻:中国楼市增长放缓 房地产市场钱途未卜

2014-04-16 13:56:54来源:可可英语

  根据Moody's Analytics的计算,2013年,中国公寓住宅的建筑、销售以及装备所涉及的经济活动占当年国内生产总值(GDP)的比重达23%。穆迪(Moody's)称,这一比例远高于2006年的10%,也高于美国住房市场在2006年达到顶峰时所占美国GDP的比重。

  The housing troubles add to other headaches for the world's second-largest economy. They come at a time when debt in China is climbing as rapidly as it was in the U.S., Europe, Japan and South Korea before their economies cratered in years past. And China's growth, while still healthy by world standards, has slowed to its weakest since the Asia financial crisis of the late 1990s, amid less-robust demand both at home and abroad for Chinese goods.


  Chinese state television aired a series this month on difficulties faced by home buyers and property developers. An owner in Shenmu County, in the north, said she couldn't afford to pay the mortgage on her apartment but couldn't sell it, either, because so many others were for sale.

  中国国家电视台本月播出了一个系列讲述购房者和房地产开发商所面临困境的节目。 西省神木县的一位房主称,她无力偿还抵押贷款,但房子也卖不出去,因为市场上有很多房子在出售。

  The finances of some cities and developers are being affected. China's local governments depend on land sales to developers for about 40% of their revenue. Now those sales are bringing in less cash.


  After the city of Fenghua in eastern China cut the price of land, developer Zhejiang Xingrun Real Estate Co. -- which had incurred higher land costs -- found it tough to sell apartments and make payments on its debt, which the city website put at nearly $600 million. Municipal officials say they are trying to stave off a bankruptcy by the developer that could tarnish the city's reputation. Principals of the developer couldn't be reached for comment.

  中国东部城市奉化下调了地价以后,之前一直承担着高昂地价的地产商浙江兴润置业投资有限公司(Zhejiang Xingrun Real Estate Co.)发现难以卖出房子、偿付债务。奉化市网站公布,该公司的欠款已经接近6亿美元。奉化官员说,他们正想办法避免兴润置业破产,以免伤及奉化市的声誉。记者无法联系到兴润置业负责人就此置评。

  As developers grow short of money, some are using apartments instead of cash to pay their bills to construction companies. Anne Stevenson-Yang, research director at J Capital Research in Beijing, who crisscrosses China checking out property developments, sums up the real-estate market in China's smaller cities 'an incredible house of cards.'

  相关报道博客:有关中国楼市供应过剩的问与答博客:营口房地产市场冷过冬天博客:谁会点燃中国经济火药桶?由于开发商们手头缺少资金,一些公司用楼房代替现金支付给建筑公司。美奇金(北京)投资咨询有限公司(J Capital Research)研究总监杨思安(Anne Stevenson-Yang)总结说,中国中小城市的房地产市场是极其不切实际的空中楼阁。她曾经多次往返中国各地,考察房地产的发展状况。

  Further weakness could mean trouble for construction companies and appliance and commodity producers. Furniture and appliance sales in China have been slowing along with the weaker pace of apartment sales. Also potentially affected are businesses that use real estate as collateral to get new loans; China's banks rely on property holdings as the main collateral securing loans.


  One risk is that consumers who are accustomed to seeing steady gains in their homes' value pull back on spending. This is a danger because an unusually high percentage of Chinese household wealth is tied up in real estate -- about two-thirds, estimates economist Li Gan at Texas A&M University. Americans, at the peak of the U.S. housing boom, had only about half that much of their family wealth in real estate. The figure is high in China partly because of few appealing investment alternatives, with the domestic stock market performing poorly for years and interest on savings deposits at banks fixed at a low rate.

  一个风险是,习惯于房产稳步升值的中国消费者会捂紧钱袋。这种状况十分危险,因为中国的家庭财富与房地产挂钩的比例高得离谱,根据美国德克萨斯州农工大学(Texas A&M University) 经济学家甘犁的估计,房屋价值占中国家庭财富的比例高达三分之二左右。相比之下,美国在楼市泡沫的巅峰时代,房屋价值占美国家庭财富的比例也不过只有一半左右。中国比例如此之高的原因之一就是缺少其他有吸引力的投资项目,中国股市的低迷已经持续多年,银行存款利率也被定在很低的水平。



