双语新闻:中国楼市增长放缓 房地产市场钱途未卜

2014-04-16 13:56:54来源:可可英语

  Take a drive through China's third- and fourth-tier cities and these issues are all too visible. Many cities are ringed by row after row of empty apartment buildings that reach 20 stories into the sky. At night, they are dark save for blinking red lights on top to warn airplanes.


  Analysts have long taken note of Chinese 'ghost cities' -- sprawling new neighborhoods nearly devoid of inhabitants. These have sometimes been seen as anomalies. But over the past few years, building has proceeded at such a blistering pace that Nicole Wong, a real-estate analyst in Hong Kong for CLSA, figures the pace of construction in third- and fourth-tier cities needs to fall by half between 2013 and 2020 to get supply and demand somewhat back in balance.

  分析师们注意中国的“鬼城”已经有很长时间了,“鬼城”中高楼接连拔地而起,但几乎没什么人住进去。有时这些“鬼城”被视为反常现象。然而,过去几年中,楼市仍然以这种白热化的速度突飞猛进。里昂证券(亚洲)(CLSA)驻香港地产分析师Nicole Wong指出,2013-2020年间,三线、四线城市的建房速度需要下降一半,才能使供求关系稍稍回归平衡状态。

  In Yingkou, a dusty city of 2.4 million in China's frigid northeast, the only sign of life in one complex of 20-story buildings is a small satellite dish in a first-story window. Zhou Mingqi says he is paid about $290 a month to live there, by owners of three units who want to make sure their properties aren't occupied by squatters or the fixtures stolen.

  在中国东北部城市营口市的一个小区,20层楼高的大楼鳞次栉比,然而这里唯一有人居住的迹象就是某个一楼住户窗口有个小型圆盘式卫星天线。周明起(音译)说,有三户业主每月付他290美元(约合人民 1,800币元)让他住在这里,他的雇主们希望确保房子不会被非法占住,家俱不会被偷走。这座寒冷、空气也不怎么好的城市里居住着240万人。

  The project, called Expo Garden, began in 2010 and was supposed to be finished by 2013. As of last month, only eight of the planned 16 towers had been built. A recent visit found grounds with rutted roads, no sign of workers and not even any billboards advertising sales.

  Tim Franco for The Wall Street Journal图为营口的一个房地产项目。这个楼房项目名叫“世博园”(Expo Garden),动工于2010年,本应在2013年竣工。截至上个月,16栋计划建成的高楼中只建起了八栋。最近记者走访该小区时发现,道路上还有车辙痕迹,也没有工人工作的迹象,甚至没有广告销售的宣传板。

  City officials said the builder temporarily suspended construction because of winter. A representative of the developer, Xizang Zangye Group, said construction would resume in the spring. Other local developers said the city was trying to work out a deal to keep the project alive.

  该市官员称建筑公司暂停施工是因进入了冬季停工期。小区开发商西藏藏业集团有限公司(Xizang Zangye Group)的一名代表称工地将在春季恢复施工。当地其他开发商称,该市正试图达成一笔交易以确保该项目能运作下去。

  In Yingkou, real estate's problems have become the city's as well. Its land-sales revenue has fallen by about 40% in the past three years.


  China's private real-estate market dates only to the late 1990s, when the Communist Party started to privatize housing owned by state-owned companies. The market went into overdrive in 2009, as Beijing told banks to start lending heavily to spur growth and make sure China wasn't dragged down by the global financial crisis.


  Around the same time, Beijing tightened restrictions on real-estate purchases in first- and second-tier cities to try to keep prices in those places from skyrocketing too high. (Four cities -- Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen -- are considered first tier, and roughly two dozen second tier.)


  The result of the twin policies was that money flowed heavily to medium-size and smaller cities. According to Citigroup, 12 provincial capitals are building an average of nearly 15 'new towns' each, meaning massive high-rise apartment projects on their outskirts.

  上述两项政策叠加在一起,使大量资金涌入中小型城市。据花旗集团(Citigroup Inc.)的资料,中国12个省会城市平均建设将近15座“新城”,即在其郊区布设大规模高层住房项目。

  One level below the provincial capitals, 133 cities that are the capitals of Chinese prefectures are building a total of 200 of these apartment complexes. Several dozen main county cities are doing the same.




