双语新闻:中国楼市增长放缓 房地产市场钱途未卜

2014-04-16 13:56:54来源:可可英语

  Changzhou -- the place where Prof. Wu has made money on past real-estate buys but now is afraid of the market -- is a textile-exporting city of 3.6 million. When stimulus money started flowing in 2009 and 2010, the city decided on a makeover. Aiming to turn into a producer of advanced materials and high-tech goods, it started building a subway and blocked out a section for higher-end housing.


  But Shanghai is only an hour away by bullet train. People with ambition and money often head to the megacity, crimping housing demand in Changzhou.


  In the showroom of a cream-colored development of villas and high-rises in Changzhou, four young Ukrainian women in white fur stoles act as greeters. Ball gowns hang in the closets of the marble-filled model apartments. An outdoor swimming pool is decorated with statues of nymphs.

  Tim Franco for The Wall Street Journal常州一个楼盘的路上能见到的行人不多,图为一位园丁。在常州的一个奶油色别墅和高层建筑开发项目的楼盘展厅里,有四位身披白色皮披肩的年轻乌克兰女子担任迎宾员。在这套到处使用大理石的样板房里,壁橱中悬挂着舞会礼服。一个室外游泳池有多个女神雕像作为装饰。

  It isn't enough to tempt many to buy. There are plenty of other opulent developments nearby.


  'If all the developers here stop building right now, there's still enough apartments to last the local and migrant populations for another six to eight years,' says a discouraged sales agent.


  Faced with weak sales, the complex's developers publicly slashed apartment prices by 40% in late February. City housing authorities called them in to urge them to be more discreet, according to competitors, who say the city didn't want to get a reputation as a bad place to invest. Agile Property Holdings Ltd., a public company that is developing the project with a privately owned partner, declined to comment. City officials didn't respond to requests for comment.

  面对低迷的销售业绩,该项目的开发商在2月末公开将房价下调了40%。这些开发商的竞争对手说,常州市相关部门约谈了这些开发商,希望他们能更加谨慎,因为常州不想承担投资环境不佳的名声。与一家非上市公司合作开发该项目的上市公司雅居乐地产控股有限公司(Agile Property Holdings Ltd., 3383.HK, 简称:雅居乐地产)未就此发表评论。常州市相关部门的官员也未回应记者的置评请求。

  The developers kept the discounts but stopped advertising them.


  Other developers felt they had to respond. Nearby, Feilong Road cuts through construction sites filled with unfinished apartment towers that reach as tall as 30 stories. Billboards for one project promise discounts of about 20%. Across the street, another developer offers free parking and about $24,000 off the final price.


  At one project, sales manager Susan Yang says her bosses are considering 'stealth price cuts' -- rebates, of maybe 30% -- that would keep the development competitive without undercutting its high-end image.

  一个住宅项目的销售经理Susan Yang说,她的老板正打算“隐性降价”,折扣幅度可能达到30%,这样就可以在不破坏楼盘高端形象的同时保持竞争力。

  The real-estate oversupply 'gives me a headache,' Ms. Yang says. 'People expect prices will fall.'

  Susan Yang说,房地产供应过剩的问题让她头疼。她还说,大家都预计房价会下跌。

  On March 21, protesters lined up in front of Phoenix Lake Gardens, a middle-class complex of 20-story apartment towers in northern Changzhou. They put up banners, trashed architectural models in the showroom and demanded refunds from the developer, Wharf (Holdings) Ltd. Wharf had cut prices by as much as 20% after these protesters bought their apartments, making their purchases suddenly worth less.

  凤凰湖墅(Phoenix Lake Gardens)是常州北部的一处楼盘,其20层的高层公寓楼针对的是中产阶层。3月21日,业主聚集在这处楼盘前方。他们举着标语,砸了售楼处的楼盘模型,并要求开发商九龙仓集团有限公司(Wharf (Holdings) Ltd., 简称:九龙仓集团)退款。这些业主购房之后,九龙仓集团把房价下调了20%,导致他们购买的房屋瞬间贬值。



