At 46, the new Microsoft chief is one of the first Indian-born executives to make it to the top of the US tech industry – though engineers from the subcontinent have long supplied much of the brain power, figuring prominently in recent years among the founders of West Coast start-ups.
纳德拉生于印度IT业中心海得拉巴(Hyderabad),赴美前获得了门格洛尔大学(Mangalore University)电子工程学位。来美后,他继续深造,取得计算机科学硕士和MBA学位。
Born in Hyderabad, a centre of the Indian IT industry, Mr Nadella took a degree in electrical engineering at Mangalore University before moving to the US, where he went on to complete a masters in computer science and an MBA.
在一份精心打磨的官方简历和给员工的介绍邮件里,纳德拉着重谈了自己对板球运动的痴迷(他曾是一名右手型的旋转投球手)和对家庭的热爱。他谈及自己与 Anupama Priyadarshini长达22年的婚姻(相当于他在微软工作的时间),他们的3个孩子,以及他所说的“学习的渴望”。
In a carefully airbrushed official biography and an introductory email to staff[THIS WEEK?], he made much of his cricket obsession (he was once a right-handed off-spin bowler) and devotion to family. He wrote about his marriage to Anupama Priyadarshini – at 22 years, as long as his attachment to Microsoft – and three children, as well as what he called a “thirst for learning”.
当你刚刚就任一把手时,几乎每个人都有理由说你的好话。西雅图的风险资本家马特?麦基尔韦恩(Matt McIlwain)说,纳德拉的人缘特别好,他得到了公司内部“普遍的喜爱和尊敬”。的确,有人担心他的友善儒雅会让他难以做出棘手的决定。华尔街的投资者已经在敦促微软削减成本,并分拆Xbox视频游戏机等业务。在微软物色新CEO的5个多月里,许多投资者呼吁引进外部人才,以便在做出艰难选择时,不受个人忠诚的阻碍。
When you have just got to the top, just about everyone has a good reason to talk well of you. But Mr Nadella, in particular, is “universally liked and respected” inside the company, says Matt McIlwain, a Seattle-based venture capitalist. Indeed, some are worried that he is too nice for the tough decisions ahead. Wall Street has pushed for cost-cutting and the spin-off of businesses such as the Xbox video games console. For much of the five months it took to find a new chief executive, many investors called for an outsider who would not be prevented by personal loyalties from making hard choices.
Popularity could be a sign that he ducked tough decisions on the way up, Mr McIlwain says – particularly at Microsoft, where clashing personalities have led to tensions at the top. Mr Nadella’s ability to rise without apparently making enemies along the way has left him in the right place at the right time.
People who have worked with him say this is not because he takes the soft option to avoid conflict. “He will demand a lot but do it in a very consensual way,” says Mr Connors. As Mr McIlwain concedes there is no way of telling whether this quality will survive the responsibilities and isolation that are about to hit him.
作为一名资深技术工程师,纳德拉时刻关注着企业数据中心的动态,他与重塑软件世界的最灼热趋势——云计算——有着紧密的联系。哈斯廷斯说:“如果你喜欢云计算,你就会喜欢萨蒂亚?纳德拉。”他指出,纳德拉的第一份工作是在太阳微系统公司(Sun Microsystems),该公司是这一理念的早期拥护者。
本文关键字: 微软新掌门人纳德拉上任演讲 双语
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