Three factories which advertised Toray T700 high-strength carbon fibre on werecontacted by an FT reporter posing as a buyer seeking 4,000kg of the controlled filament –over half the amount seized in Singapore. All said they were willing to sell domestically withoutdocumentation – a violation of end-user certificates. One also expressed willingness tohelp avoid export controls. “[Toray T700 carbon fibre] is harder to import than to export,” saidthe seller, reached by phone in Shandong province. “Japan imposes restrictions on exports, butwhen we export from China, it depends on what we report it as to the customs.” He said “thereshould be no problems” if the material is reported as textile fibre instead of carbon fibre.
Other Chinese factories manufacturing dual-use goods advertised on said exportcontrols were not an issue. Shanghai Cixi Instrument Company and Shanghai Changjin MetalProducts Company, both of which make products controlled by the nuclear suppliers groupregulations, said in interviews that there are no restrictions on the items’ exports by Chinesecustoms.
其他在Alibaba.com网站上推销军民两用商品的中国厂商也表示,出口管制根本不成问题。上海瓷熙仪器仪表有限公司(Shanghai Cixi Instrument Company)和上海长进金属制品有限公司(Shanghai ChangjinMetal Products Company)都在生产受到核供应国集团相关规定管制的产品,但他们在访谈中却都表示,中国海关并未对这些产品的出口实施限制。
Alibaba is not the only site selling nuclear sensitive items. In May, King’s College researcherswere able to buy a controlled MKS pressure transducer from a distributor in China usingeBay.
Ian Stewart, one of the researchers, said the merchant did not request an end-usercertificate, nor did the merchant have an export licence for the product. Pressure transducerscan be used to control uranium centrifuge enrichment, and thousands are thought to havebeen procured illicitly by Iran’s nuclear programme since the early 2000s.
其中的一名研究员伊恩•斯图尔特(Ian Stewart)表示,商家并未要求提供最终用户证明,而且商家也没有该产品的出口许可证。压力传感器可用于控制铀离心浓缩,自本世纪初以来,伊朗核计划据信已非法采购了几千部压力传感器。
Some factories that have been targeted by sanctions for procuring and producing nuclear-sensitive materials have listings on Alibaba. Machine Sazi Arak, a company that has beensanctioned by the EU, the US and other countries for its work at Iran’s Arak heavy waterreactor, is listed as a supplier of boilers, heat exchangers and petrochemical equipment.
某些因采购、生产核敏感材料而受到制裁的工厂也出现在阿里巴巴网站的卖家名录。曾因在伊朗阿拉克(Arak)重水反应堆的工作而受到欧盟(EU)、美国及其他国家制裁的Machine Sazi Arak公司也在该网站的供应商列表之中,显示为锅炉、热交换设备及石化设备供应商。
“When it comes to Alibaba’s responsibility, I think this is a tricky one. It would be very hard forAlibaba to monitor all the interactions that take place on its site,” said Mr Godsey. “However, itwould be reasonable to expect the company to block companies that have been sanctioned bythe UN, the EU, or others for proliferation from using the site to conduct business and procuregoods.”
本文关键字: 阿里巴巴面临的"敏感商品"难题
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第十三届全国人民代表大会第二次会议(the second session of the 13th National People& 39;s Congress)5日上午在人民大会堂开
第十三届全国人民代表大会第二次会议(the second session of the 13th National People& 39;s Congress)5日上午在人民大会堂开