
2014-10-10 15:59:27来源:可可英语

  These commitments take the form of implicit – or not fully specified – contracts. Why do wehave to rely on implicit contracts? Long-term commitments could in theory be managedinstead by trying to specify every eventuality. About a second’s thought makes it clear thatthis is impossible. It would not just be inconceivably complex and costly. It would come upagainst the deeper problem of uncertainty. We have little idea of what might happen in thenext few months, let alone the next few decades. If people are to make long-termcommitments, trust is the only alternative. But a company whose goal is whatever seemsprofitable today can be trusted only to renege on implicit contracts. It is sure to actopportunistically. If its managers did not want to do so, they would be replaced. This isbecause, as Prof Mayer argues: “The corporation is a rent extraction vehicle for theshortest-term shareholders.” Aligning managerial rewards to shareholder returns reinforces theopportunism.


  In practice, many capitalist economies do mitigate the risks of shareholder value maximisationand the market in corporate control. This is true of continental Europe, notably Germancompanies. But it is also, notes Prof Mayer, true in the US, where the idea that managementshould be protected against shareholders is widely accepted in practice, if not so much intheory. The country that has taken the idea furthest is the UK.


  Prof Mayer argues rightly: “The defect of existing economic models of the corporation is innot recognising its distinguishing feature – the fact that it is a separate legal entity. Thesignificance of this stems from the fact that it is thereby capable of sustaining arrangementsthat are distinct from those that its owners, its shareholders, are able to achieve.” It is, inother words, in the shareholders’ interests not to control companies completely. They need tobe able to tie their hands.


  Prof Mayer’s suggested solution is what he calls a “trust company”, one with explicit valuesand a board designed to oversee them. He justifies such a radical switch with his scepticismabout the feasibility and effectiveness of regulation. Less radical would be to encouragecompanies to consider divergent structures of control. One might be to vest voting rights inshares whose ownership can be transferred only after a holding period of years, not hours. Inthat way, control would be married to commitment. One could also vest limited controlrights in some groups of workers. Yet this is not to argue that committed long-termownership is always preferable. Family control, for example, has both weaknesses andstrengths.




