The high-strength carbon fibre made by Japan’sToray Industries is eagerly sought after by themakers of racing bikes and jet aircraft. It alsohappens to be perfect for supersonic centrifugesused to enrich the uranium in nuclear bombs.
日本东丽工业株式会社(Toray Industries)生产的高强度碳纤维深受竞赛自行车和喷气式飞机制造商喜爱,它们碰巧又是制造超声离心机的绝佳材料,而超声离心机被用于浓缩制造核弹所需的铀。
For that reason, trade in the company’s high-strength T700 filament is carefully controlled byalmost a dozen international bodies. To buy it directly from Tokyo-based Toray requires anexport licence from Japan’s Ministry of Economics, Trade and Industry and a two-page end-usercertificate.
But for those who do not want the hassle, there is another place to find suppliers which will notask so many questions:, the Chinese trade website owned by Alibaba Group, whichlisted in the US last week in the third-biggest initial public offering in history.
如果不想这么麻烦,还有一个地方可以找到没有这么多要求的供应商:阿里巴巴集团(Alibaba Group)旗下的Alibaba.com网站。阿里巴巴集团近日刚在美国上市,为史上第三大首次公开招股(IPO)。
“Alibaba is a virtual supermarket for proliferation-sensitive items used in the process ofproducing nuclear weapons,” says Nick Gillard, a researcher at Project Alpha, a non-proliferation research centre at King’s College in London. High-strength aluminium, maragingsteel rods (used to make centrifuge rotors), advanced vacuum pumps and gauges used inthe enrichment process are all for sale on the site. “Virtually every dual-use item needed for aproliferator to produce nuclear weapons is advertised for sale on Alibaba.”
伦敦大学国王学院(King's College)防核扩散研究中心Project Alpha的研究员尼克•吉拉德(Nick Gillard)表示:“阿里巴巴好比一个核扩散敏感物品的虚拟超市,这些东西可用在生产核武器的过程中。”高强度铝合金、马氏体时效钢(可用于生产离心机转子)、高级真空泵以及浓缩过程中会用到的量规都可以通过该网站买到。“核扩散者生产核武器所需的几乎所有军民两用物品都可以在阿里巴巴网站上找到。”
These items all have civilian uses as well, which makes their regulation complicated. Theseand dozens of other categories of “dual-use” goods are controlled by the Nuclear SuppliersGroup whose 48 members, including China, pledge to enforce export licences and end-usercertificates detailing their ultimate destination, along with a commitment not to re-export ortransfer ownership. Dual-use goods are also specifically prohibited for export to Iran by along line of UN Security Council resolutions.
这些商品都可作为民用,因此监管起来就更加困难。以上商品——还有另外几十种军民两用商品——受到核供应国集团(NSG)的管制。核供应国集团由包括中国在内的48个国家组成,承诺实行出口许可和最终用户证明制度,要求证书上列明商品最终目的地,并保证不会将商品转出口或转让。联合国安理会(UN SecurityCouncil)的多项决议也明令禁止向伊朗出口军民两用商品。
本文关键字: 阿里巴巴面临的"敏感商品"难题
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