“Six hundred years ago it was Marco Polo who built the bridge [between Europe and China],” MrXu says. “Two thousand years ago it was the Silk Road. Now the road is paved with telecoms.We are building the Silicon Road to bring the west and east closer together.”
徐文伟表示:“600年前,正是马可•波罗(Marco Polo)搭建起了(欧中之间的)桥梁。2000年前,欧中的桥梁是丝绸之路。现在这条路以电信铺就。我们正在建设让东西方更紧密联系在一起的丝绸之路。”
In recent months – to follow Mr Xu’s metaphor – the road from China to Europe has becomeswollen with cash.
Chinese investors have snapped up assets across the continent, from a concession to buildand operate container terminals at Greece’s port of Piraeus, to the Three GorgesCorporation’s acquisition of a fifth of Portugal’s national energy company Energias de Portugaland China Investment Corp, the country’s sovereign wealth fund, purchasing a 9 per centstake in Thames Water.
中国投资者在欧洲大陆各地大肆收购资产,从获批在希腊比雷埃夫斯(Piraeus)港口建造并运营集装箱码头,到中国长江三峡集团公司(Three Gorges Corporation)收购葡萄牙国有能源集团——葡萄牙电力公司(EDP) 20%的股权,以及中国主权财富基金中国投资公司(CIC)收购泰晤士水务(Thames Water) 9%的股份。
For 15 years the Chinese state has sought to expand its markets and labour opportunities.
But with the 2010 debt crisis, China adjusted its focus from mostly natural resource-relateddeals in Asia, Africa and Latin America. It trained its sights instead on struggling Europe torealise a once-in-a-century opportunity to buy world-class brands and shares in pivotalnational infrastructure assets.
This week, the Financial Times is exploring Chinese expansion and ambition in Europe and itsinterest in the most vulnerable economies. The eurozone’s periphery is benefiting from somedeals, with Italy this year reaping the most in large-scale contracts: almost 3.5bn worth,according to the Heritage Foundation, a conservative think-tank.
英国《金融时报》最近推出了“中欧新丝绸之路”(Silk Road Redux)专题,着力探讨中国资本在欧洲的扩张和抱负以及对最脆弱经济体的兴趣。保守派智库美国传统基金会(Heritage Foundation)表示,欧元区外围国家正在受益于部分交易,意大利今年在重大合同方面收获最大:总共签署了价值近35亿欧元的合同。
The phenomenon has been described as the dawn of a second Marshall Plan. Luigi de Vecchi,chairman of continental Europe for Citigroup, says the historic shift in investment is severingsome relationships formed in postwar Europe.
这种现象被称为第二个“马歇尔计划”(Marshall Plan)的开端。花旗集团(Citigroup)欧洲大陆主席路易吉•德韦基(Luigi de Vecchi)表示,中国投资的历史性转变正在切断战后欧洲形成的某些关系。
Government officials and diplomats explain the change in approach as partly driven bynecessity but say it also reflects Europe’s response to changes in the balance of globaleconomic power.
The Marshall Plan supported investment in Europe – and especially Italy – after the secondworld war. That balance has changed with the eurozone crisis, says Mr de Vecchi, and theflight of US capital. “It destabilised the historic links of European governments, especially inItaly, with the US. So they looked east and have opened up to China as a way of diversifyingtheir risk.”
The buying spree has allowed the Chinese to adjust their horizons.
本文关键字: 华为成为意大利最大的外国投资者之一
时长 : 21:15 主讲 : 徐宸
时长 : 29:45 主讲 : 乔迪
时长 : 21:15 主讲 : 徐宸
时长 : 44:09 主讲 : 徐宸
时长 : 29:45 主讲 : 乔迪
时长 : 18:37 主讲 : 孔令金
时长 : 18:37 主讲 : 孔令金
时长 : 18:37 主讲 : 孔令金
第十三届全国人民代表大会第二次会议(the second session of the 13th National People& 39;s Congress)5日上午在人民大会堂开
第十三届全国人民代表大会第二次会议(the second session of the 13th National People& 39;s Congress)5日上午在人民大会堂开
第十三届全国人民代表大会第二次会议(the second session of the 13th National People& 39;s Congress)5日上午在人民大会堂开
第十三届全国人民代表大会第二次会议(the second session of the 13th National People& 39;s Congress)5日上午在人民大会堂开
第十三届全国人民代表大会第二次会议(the second session of the 13th National People& 39;s Congress)5日上午在人民大会堂开
第十三届全国人民代表大会第二次会议(the second session of the 13th National People& 39;s Congress)5日上午在人民大会堂开
第十三届全国人民代表大会第二次会议(the second session of the 13th National People& 39;s Congress)5日上午在人民大会堂开
第十三届全国人民代表大会第二次会议(the second session of the 13th National People& 39;s Congress)5日上午在人民大会堂开
第十三届全国人民代表大会第二次会议(the second session of the 13th National People& 39;s Congress)5日上午在人民大会堂开
第十三届全国人民代表大会第二次会议(the second session of the 13th National People& 39;s Congress)5日上午在人民大会堂开