The consultancy went on to say that: “Italy represents a gateway to the pan-Europeanelectricity grid.”
A statement on State Grid’s website described the Italian purchases as good deals, saying: “When we make overseas investment, we are not doing charity.”
China’s interest shows no sign of waning. The State Administration of Foreign Exchange, whichmanages the country’s $4tn in reserves, snapped up 2 per cent stakes in Italian blue-chipcompanies Fiat Chrysler Automobiles, Telecom Italia and Prysmian, worth a total of about 670min July.
中国对意大利资产的兴趣没有呈现出任何减弱的迹象。今年7月,管理着4万亿美元外汇储备的中国国家外汇管理局(Safe)分别买进了菲亚特克莱斯勒汽车公司(Fiat Chrysler Automobiles)、意大利电信(TelecomItalia)以及普睿司曼(Prysmian)等意大利蓝筹公司的2%股份,总价值约为6.7亿欧元。
Those deals came after Safe had invested an estimated 2bn to buy stakes in state-controlledenergy groups Eni and Enel earlier this year.
Pier Carlo Padoan, Italy’s finance minister, says the country is well placed to act as a link in theprocess of “the internationalisation” of the communist country’s economy. The relationship willbe on full display next week when Li Keqiang, China’s premier, attends the Asia-Europesummit in Milan.
意大利经济部长皮耶•卡洛•帕多安(Pier Carlo Padoan)表示,在中国这个社会主义国家推动经济“国际化”的过程中,意大利很适合充当一条纽带。这种关系将在本周得到充分展现——中国总理李克强将出席在米兰举办的亚欧首脑会议。
The US and resource-rich countries in Africa and South America remain the primary recipientsof Chinese investment. By the middle of this year, total Chinese investment in sub-SaharanAfrica was worth $150.4bn, investment into North America totalled $124bn while Europereceived $104bn, according to the Heritage Foundation.
But European bankers who have negotiated deals say Chinese investors are keen to reassurethat theirs is a collaborative approach, seeking large minority stakes – such as the 35 percent in Italy’s grid network – rather than controlling ones. Or, as with private companies suchas Huawei hiring Italians at a time when the jobless rate among young people hovers at 40 percent, to emphasise that they are contributing rather than just “buying” in to the country.
Individual Chinese businessmen, interviewed by FT reporters across Italy, Spain and Portugal,say they are heading to Europe armed with better skills and intent on buying companies.
At the end of 2012, 195 small and midsized Italian companies, with combined total revenues of6bn and 10,000 employees, had been wholly or partly taken over by Chinese or Hong Konginvestors, according to Fondazione Italia-Cina, a not-for-profit group that promotes relationsbetween the two countries.
意中基金会(Fondazione Italia-Cina)的数据显示,截至2012年年末,意大利有195家中小企业(这些企业的年收入总计为60亿欧元,拥有1万名雇员)被中国内地或香港的投资者全部或部分收购。意中基金会是一家旨在促进两国关系的非营利性组织。
本文关键字: 华为成为意大利最大的外国投资者之一
时长 : 21:15 主讲 : 徐宸
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时长 : 21:15 主讲 : 徐宸
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时长 : 29:45 主讲 : 乔迪
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时长 : 18:37 主讲 : 孔令金
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