- That's on you 这就要怪你了
- Warts and all 不掩饰缺点
- Off the scale 超出常规
- Throw one's toys out the pram 耍小孩子脾气
- Make my skin crawl 让人头皮发麻
- An uphill task 一项艰巨的任务
- Bide someone's time 等待时机
- From the get-go 从一开始
- Stomping ground 常去的地方
- Tug at the heartstrings 触动心弦
- Clutch at straws 抓救命稻草
- Crank up 调高,增强
- Find your groove 找到你的节奏
- Top-notch 顶呱呱
- Off the cuff 即兴
- Take the wheel 把持方向,担起责任
- The works 一整套,全套物品
- Dip your toe into 尝试,摸索
- Ham-fisted 笨手笨脚,笨拙
- Second nature 第二天性
- Take the plunge 下定决心,采取行动
- Peaks and troughs 沉浮波折,起起落落
- Heavy lifting 一项任务中最困难的部分
- Stir the pot 挑拨是非
- Wishy-washy 优柔寡断,模棱两可
- Shook 惊慌失措,激动不已
- Let loose 放松
- Zing 活力,热情
- Do the trick 奏效
- 流行语 beige flag 的意思
- Lay it on thick 过分吹捧或责备
- Tell porkies 说谎
- In on something 了解,参与其中
- Walk someone through 耐心示范,详细讲解
- Brick by brick 一砖一瓦,一步一步
- Cook up an idea 精心策划一件事
- Read the room 察言观色
- Rinse, repeat 周而复始
- A million to one 几乎不可能
- Cash in on something 把握商机,从中盈利