双语新闻:中国楼市增长放缓 房地产市场钱途未卜

2014-04-16 13:56:54来源:可可英语

  Wu Xuesong, a professor in this city on the Yangtze, says he doubled his money on an apartment he bought as an investment some years back and is ahead on a second.


  Buy a third? Forget it.


  Mr. Wu slides open a dining-room window and points to the dark shadow of a new apartment complex, where only a handful of lights are on. 'No one lives there,' he says. 'That shatters my confidence' in China's long-thriving real-estate market.


  Economists have worried for years that China is setting itself up for a housing-market bust. In big international cities like Beijing and Shanghai, prices continue to rise. But evidence is mounting that in dozens of third- and fourth-tier Chinese cities rarely visited by foreigners, overbuilding is out of control and a major property-market slowdown is now under way.

  Tim Franco for The Wall Street Journal图片:中国小城的楼市寒冬数年来,经济学家们一直担心中国的房地产市场终将崩盘。在北京和上海这样的国际化城市,房价还在继续上涨。但在很少有外国人到访的三四线城市,有越来越多的证据表明,过度建设已经失控,房地产市场增速已出现大幅放缓。

  The 200 or so Chinese cities with populations ranging from 500,000 to several million account for 70% of the country's residential-property sales. In many of these cities, developers are slashing prices and offering freebies such as kitchen furnishings and parking spaces as they try to work through vast gluts of unsold property. Protests are breaking out among buyers angry that their investments are losing value.


  Data in some of these smaller cities is scarce. But in 100 cities tracked by Nomura Holdings Inc., 42% of those classified as Tier 3 and Tier 4 saw housing prices decline in March from February. Home construction in such cities is racing well ahead of population growth, says Beijing research firm Gavekal Dragonomics, as developers continue to build new projects without buyers.

  这样一些规模较小的城市的相关数据很匮乏。但在野村控股(Nomura Holdings Inc.)追踪的100个城市当中,从2月份到3月份,被归类为三四线的城市中有42%的城市房价下降。北京研究公司龙洲经讯(Gavekal Dragonomics)称,在这些城市中,住房建设速度远远高于人口增长速度,开发商不断开建新项目,但却没人来买。

  A dramatic housing collapse such as the U.S. suffered a few years ago isn't thought likely here. Chinese families don't borrow as heavily for home buying as Americans, putting at least 30% down. China doesn't have sketchy mortgages like those that infected the U.S. market at its peak, nor home-equity loans that let owners finance shopping sprees on the value of their homes. Chinese financiers haven't put together arcane mortgage-backed securities such as those that blew up in the U.S.


  Yet even with market strength holding up in the most prominent cities, the overall value of Chinese housing sold in the first two months of 2014 declined 5% from a year earlier, government statistics show. Private-sector data indicate the decline continued in March.


  Price drops might seem a normal market response to oversupply, but when it comes to housing, the phenomenon isn't benign. China increasingly depends on real estate to drive growth.


  The construction, sale and outfitting of apartments accounted for 23% of China's gross domestic product in 2013, Moody's Analytics calculates. That is up steeply from 10% in 2006 and is higher than American housing's share of GDP reached during the height of the U.S. housing boom in 2006, Moody's says.



