
2025-01-14 16:32:24来源:网络








  PartICloze(15 points)

  Directions:I hs serion,there iapasnge wihew bumks.how ae rquied o selet oue wondforemch bnk fiam a ir of choles ghen in the bor Rend the pasnge hough canefhijpbefore making your choices.Eck choice in the bor s idmijied by a lemer lou may moruse ay ofthe wwds n the bor more than oweePlase mork the corespowdinglerer foreach choice on the ANSWER SIMEETwith a single lae through the cenre

  A.casierpay  B.groups  C.if  D.pay  E.on

  F carefilly  G income  H.that  I.what  J.borrow

  Sudents at university can learn and make friends __1__will ast alfetime.However,the cost ofstudyjing is on the rie.This inerase mans that most studens can get into money touble __2__theydo notknow how to manape their money.

  ltis not just he coursefes.Ssndents must also__3__for room and board.In sdition,they mayspend money __4__clothes,trawel,and other things Thus,shodents need to budget __5__At most universities,teachers can give students advice onhow to pendtheir money.The first thing thy suggest is to wrie down your__6__,for example,themoney you will get from your family or a part-time job.Then,list allof your expenss.Put yourexpenses into two __7__:those that change (fod,bookstravel),and those that willsay the same(uition,room and board).Add together all of your expenses.

  When you do this,you find it is __8__to pla out your budget.This means youcan save your money,rather than tying to__9__fiom others.As you can see,theres more to lkam at university than just __10__ is taughtin the clssroom.

  PartII Reading Comprehension(45 points)

  SectiomA(30 peims)

  Diretions:hhis section,here are hee pasages.Each pasvage s followed by five questlons arnfinished statemenm.For each of them there are Jowr choices markedA,B.CandD.YowshouMd deide w the best choke ad mart the correponding hter on he ANSWERSHEETwith asinghe line shrough the center Passage OmeQuestions 1l to 15 are based on the following passage.

  Wyat Baldwin has been playing rock,paper,scissors(剪刀)since be was a kid The game helpedhim setle disagreements with his three older sisters."I never got the chance to pick what we watchedo TV until I lkamed the portofroek,paper,scisors,"be says.

  Baldwin is president of the World Rock Paper Scissors Association.He has played in and bostedcompetitions ll around the globe.He once bad a 43-game winning streakWhat is the secret to hissucces?"Look for pallems in either your oponen's mowes or bchavio,"be says.Asallserios rock.paper seissors players know,there is more to the game than luck People have been playing rock,paper,scissors for about 2,000 years.It s played ewrywhere.Some cultures use different hand symbols,but the ideais the same.You and an opponent each "throwone of thre hand symboks.You win,lose,or tie(不分肚负)Mamy poople think the game isal luck.Itseems that your chanees of winning and losing are about the sme,but the outeome of the game is notrandom.That is becmuse human behavior is not random.There are patterns in how people makedecisions

  A study at Zhejiang University in China looked at how pople play rock,paper,scissors.Itollowed 360 students in a competition Researchers found two key paterns.Wimers tended to repeattheir winning hand symbos.Losers fended to go from rock to paper to scissors.

  Knowing the psychology of the game is not a sure tkket to winning.but it can help.Ken Watsonis one of the world's best rock,papes,seisos players.He says wiming tikes skil."You have to size up your opponent."Luck and chance play a part,but you have to be prepared and have a strategy"hesays."Part ofmy strategy is being confident"

  Aoording to Baldwin,pactice,practice,practioe"is the key o suces."You can ty pmacicingagainst yourself in font ofa minor,"he says.

  11.The part of rock,paper,scissors enabled irle Wyat Baldwin to___

  A.cutpaper with eissors

  B.reach an agreement with his sisters

  C.leam the sport on TV

  D.poduce TV shows with hisisters

  12.What is the key to Baldwin's sucessin the game?

  A.Praying for good luck.  B.Imitating his rivul's moves.

  C.Figuring out his rival's paterms.  D.Making fiends with hisopponent.

  13.What can we lam about the game fom Paragraph 3?

  A.The idea of the game waries from culture to culture.

  B.The charces of wining o lesing the game are always equal

  C.Different cultures use similar hand ymols to play the gime.

  D.Th deisiancmaking pattensaffet the outcome of the game.

  14.The study at Zhejiang University found that ___.

  A.losers were ikely to throw the hand symbol of paper

  B.losers were likely to throw the band symbolof scissors

  C.wimers werelkely to ignore their opponents completely

  D.winners were likely to repeat their wiming hand symboks

  15.What is Kc Waison's view an the game?

  A.Being relaxed is asure tieket to winning.

  B.Being confident can increasethe chance to win

  C.Yourchance ofwinning wbolly depends on luck

  D.Your chmceof wimming elates to thesize of your pponent

  Passage Twa

  Questlons 16 to20are based on the following passage.

  Imagine walking through someooe's partmen.The noms are almos empty and the only picesof tumiture are asimple sable amd a folded sofs.There are no decoraive objets lying around-justheesentials You open the closet to find you can count the number of clothing iemsinside on one handThe space seems more like a prison cellthan a home,and you may think the resident camnot afford tobuy more things to 6l the apartment with.

  It tums out that the apartmen's owner is a minimalist(简约主叉者》who chooses to limit his mumberof belongingsMinimalism goes against consumer socisty by dramatically redking possessions.Minimaists follow this philosophy to varying degres,but they generally claim that cuting back onexcess stuf leads to a more fulfiling life.

  With fewer posessions,they do not bave to spend as much time ckaning,thinking about whatthey are missing.or trying to koep up with the laest trends.Minimalists say this fees up their time forthings that they find meaningful,such as exercising.taveling,and being with lowed ones.

  Exteme minimalism is not for everyane,bur a mild form of it ha grown in popularity reoenty,thanks to Marie Kondo's best-eling book.The Le-Changing Mage ofThujimg U Kondo has becomedistinguished for her tidying skillswtich she developed naturally.One of ber main beliesis tha oneshoukd only own things that ane truly loves.

  It ean be unpleassnt to part wih belongings,but Kondo's methods have helped milions to removeuseless things Her technigue formaking spaceis to go through things by category,starting withclothing.then books,papers,tiny objects,and fnally memorable items.She instruets her followers to touchexchobject they own and keep only those that spark joy,promising that this wil lead to domestic happiness.

  Kondo stresses that it is not about throwing things away,but abour"finding the things you want toremain with you"and striking a balance between personal joy and possessoms.Even if you are notready to become a minimalist,you nay wat to consider reducing the mumber of things you own,for itseens that leting go of things can traly make room for happiness.

  16.Paragraph 1 describesa person who pobably ____

  A.loves decorative objects  B.cannot afford the essentials

  C.chooses to live a simple life  D.has a pasion for counting his clothes

  17.What does minimalsm go aganst?

  A.Redicing possessions.  B.Living a more fuliling lifea.

  C.Limiting the mumber of helongings.  D.Buying more things tannecesry.

  18.Ifpoople adop the minimalist lifesryle,they will____

  A.have a passion for ckeaning  B.keep up with the batest trends

  C.think about what they are missing  D.bave more time formeaningfiul things

  19.The mild form of minimalism becomes popular becase of Kondo's_____

  A.top-selling book  B.writing style

  C.personal babits  D.ceaning skills

  20.Aocording to the last paragraph,wbat is the real meaning of minimalism?

  A.Finding the righ babnce between belongings and joy.

  B.Placing your posessions before your personal happiness.

  C.Throwing away as many personal belongings as posible.

  D.Baying a lot more things to follow the latestfashion trends.

  Passage Three

  Questlons 21 to 25 are based on the following pasnge.

  Today's grandparents are joining their grandchikdren on soclal media.In the UK the ovcr-5Ss arejoining social media sites in increasing numbers,meaning that they will soon be the second biggesuser group of these sites,with 3.5milioo users aged 55-64 and 2.9million over—65s.

  Sheilk,agod 59,says,"I joinod to see what my grandchildren are doing.amy daughter postsvideos and photos of them.It's a mach beter way to see what they're doing than waiting for leters andphotos in the post.Thats bow we did it when I was a child,but I think I'm lucky I get to see so muchmore of thet lives than my grandparents did,"

  Unexpeetedly,Sheila's grandehildren are les likely to use social media sites themselves.Childrenunder 17 in the UK are laving the stes—only 2.2milion users are under 17—but they're not goingfar from their smartpbanes.Chloe,aged 15,even skeeps withber phone.“Irs my alarm clock,so Ibaveto,"she says."I look a it before I go to sleep and as soon as I wake up."Unlike her grandmother'sgeneration,Chlbe's age group is spending so much time on their phones at home that they are missingout on spendingtime with their friends in real lie.Sheila,on the other hand,bas made contact with oldfriends from school that she has not hea from in forty years."We use social media sites to arrange tomeet all ower the country,"she says."They have changed my social life completely."

  Teenagers might hve their purents to thank for their smartphone adtiction(上感)as their parentswere the early users of smartphones.Peter,38 and a father of two teenagers,reports that he used to bean his phone or laplop constantly."I was alway conected and I felt like I was always working,"besays."How could I tellmy kids to get off their pbones if I was alway in front of a screen mysele?Thus,in the evenings and at weekends,be takes his SIM card ou of his smartphone and puts it into anold-style mobile phone that can anly make calk and send text messagcs."I'm not compkeely cut offfom the world in case of emergencies,but the imporant thing is that I'm seting a beter example fiormy kids and spending more quality time with them."

  21.Moreand more over—55sin the UK are jaining social media stesto___

  A.develop theirown websites

  B.post their videos and pbotos

  C.know about the lives of their grandchikdren

  D.form online habits similar to theirchikdren's

  22.The underlined sentence in Paragraph 2 means ___

  A.it was boring to wait for letters and photos

  B.it was good for kids to post letters and photos

  C.they used to wait for letters and pbotos in the post

  D.they were fond of hearing from their grandparents

  23.From Paragraph 3,we can see hat children under 17in the UK___

  A.tend to use their smartphones less

  B.are less interested in social media sites

  C.like to interact with their parents online

  D.spend more time with their fiends in realfe

  24.Why does Peter use an old-style mobile pbone in the evenings and atweckends?

  A.He tries to be amodel for his kids.

  B.He thinks it is convenient to do so.

  C.He needs to make an emergeney call.

  D.He wants to becut off from the world.

  25.What is the main idea of the passage?

  A.How to deveop better anline habits

  B.Different online habits ofdifferent age groups.

  C.Good habits of usingsmartphones and social media.

  D.How to keep kids away from smartphones and social media.

  Section B(15 points)

  Direetions:In this sction,sowe sentences huve been remowed frow he folowing passage FwQlesrioms 26-30.choose he mosr uiabhle one frow thelt A-Gojfi into ach ofthemumheredbimbsThere are ho etra chokees,which do not fit ino any可the binks Pleuse mark the corespondingheier ou the ANSWER SHEETwiha single line hrough the cenfer

  We all eaperience some kind of angr in our life.Some of us get angry easily,while others do notlet anger control them.Anger can harm us physically and emotionally.

  Anger has no pecific reason.Things like an argument with your fiend or job sress can make youangy If thing are going beyond your control it is the right time that you lam ome ways to conrolyour anger__26__

  Be patient and calm.__27__If something is not going the way you plammed,do not get angry.Allow things to setle with time.Patience also gives you strength and courage to face any situation.Praetice being patientin any situation,and the anger would automatically go away with time.

  Breathe doeply When youare in angcr,before reactng.just sit quietly,close your eyes and startbreathingdoeply.__28__Eventully you willforget the reason for your anger.

  Just smile.No matter how tough the situationis,smile!__29__Rather than thinking negatively,you shoukd say positive.

  __30__You can watch your firvorite movie or sorts manch.You can also take a walk or listen tomuske.The puposeis to take your focus away from the situation that made you angryIf nothing is working.try the old-sted fommula of counting numbers It will shift your focus fom the actual thing,andit has benefied many people.

  A.Engage yourselfin some activities.

  B.Depression an b caused by anger.

  C.Patience is the key to all anger problens.

  D.Oters are wery wiolent in theirexpresion of anger

  E.Read the following ndvice on how to deal with anger

  F.Asmilehas prowen to have a positive effect on the mind and soul.

  G.Comentrate on your breathing patem and think about the good thingsin ie.


  PartIITranslation (20 points)

  SeetionA(10 points)

  31.Directios:hmh seclon,yow showld rausdare a pasage frm Engish ino Chinese bou ahoudwrie your answer an the ANSWER SHEET

  Machines that an leam are alreaty among us and are changing the world in which we live.Theyoffer greatpolential in areas incloding healthare and otter pubie services,and may soon result i verysophisticnted robos,but we need to make conscious decisions about how we want smart machines todevelop.

  Section B(10 points)

  32.Directions:mhi seclon,yow should naslare a pasage from Chinese io Engish.Yow shonlwrieyour answer on the ANSWER SHEET


  Part IV Writing (20 polnts)

  33.Directions:nhi secrion,yow shomld wrie an eny on How to Bridge she Digiul Gap for the Merty busdon the followwng frwartow:

  The digita gap(数字鸿沟)has reduood the social paricipation of the cldrly in reent yearsYour essay sbould include:

  1)your understanding of this phenomenon,and

  2)measuresthat should betaken to help the eldery.

  You showld write ar Ieast 100 wavds in Engih Plese wvrite your esray an the ANSWERMany of them bave difficultics in using smart devices.SHEET


  Part I

  1.选H  2.选C  3.选D  4.选E  5.选F

  6.选G  7.选B  8.选A  9.选J  10.选I

  PartII Reading Comprehension

  Passage One

  11.B  12.C  13.D  14.D  15.B

  Passage Two

  16.C  17.D  18.D  19.A  20.A

  21.C  22.C  23.B  24.A  25.B

  26.E  27.C  28.G  29.F  30.A

  Part III Translation(20 points)

  Section A(10 points)


  1)Machines that can learn are already among us and are changing the world in which we live.把that can leam提到machines前,再把in which we live放到the world前译文:


  2)They offer great potential in areas including healthcare and other public services,

  解码:把including healthcare and other public services放到areas前,in areas这个介宾短语前有名词,再往前还有动词offer,先放到ofer前,翻译成中文合适就不再处理;若不合适再把介宾短语放到名词前。


  3)and may soon result in very sophisticated robots,but we need to make conscious decisioms abouthow we want smart machines to develop.


  本句may result in…的主语就是they,指的就是machines;



  Section B




  The Mid-Autumn provides a chance for people to get together.

  The Mid-Autumn provides a chance to reunite for people.


  It is beneficial to developing/fostering the awareness of family.

  It is beneficial to the development/cultivation of family awareness.

  be beneficial to...=be conducive to.….



  The Mid-Autumn provides a chance for people to get together,which is beneficial to the cultivationof family awareness.


  be related to.…=be linked to.…=be associated with.…=be connected with.…“与….有关”

  The family awareness is related to the responsibility and duty.


  Family is a social cell,a foundation of social stability,and the source of social cohesion.

  Part IV Writing

