• 双语时事:假日景区游客扎堆看人海

      MAJOR tourist destinations around China are witnessing travel peaks amid the eight-day Mid-Autumn Festival and National Day holidays that run through Su...

    来源 : 可可英语 10月09日 00:00 关键字 : 景区游客

  • 双语时事:看奥巴马是否有望连任总统

      A strong US jobs report gave President Barack Obama an upbeat end to a startling week for both campaigns, while Republican challenger Mitt Romney fin...

    来源 : 可可英语 10月09日 00:00 关键字 : 奥巴马

  • 双语时事:中国派出海监船逼近钓鱼岛

      China sent two maritime surveillance vessels close to the Japanese-controlled disputed Senkaku islands yesterday, writes Kathrin Hille. Xinhua, the offici...

    来源 : 可可英语 09月13日 00:00 关键字 : 钓鱼岛

  • 日本金融大臣自杀或因婚外情

      Japan's financial services minister died in an apparent suicide two days before a tabloid magazine was set to reveal claims the married 73-year-old wa...

    来源 : 可可英语 09月13日 00:00 关键字 : 婚外情

  • 领土争端冲击日本汽车销售

      Some Japanese auto makers bucked an otherwise positive August for auto sales in China, and an industry group executive cited the potential ripple effe...

    来源 : 可可英语 09月13日 00:00 关键字 : 领土争端

  • 中国经济衰退的缩影

      A workingwoman at a sock factory in Yiwu, China. But after years of brisk business, Zhejiang province is now facing an economic slowdown. Photograph:...

    来源 : 可可英语 09月13日 00:00 关键字 : 繁荣

  • 克林顿力挺奥巴马 称其为中产阶级救星

      Bill Clinton will tell struggling Americans nostalgic for his presidency that Barack Obama is still the man to rebuild the middle class, while Mitt R...

    来源 : 可可英语 09月12日 00:00 关键字 : 奥巴马

  • 意大利前总理度假别墅曝光

      Silvio Berlusconi's summer retreat on Sardinia's exclusive Costa Smeralda, which gained notoriety for parties with topless models, features an underground...

    来源 : 可可英语 09月12日 00:00 关键字 : 别墅

  • APEC峰会闭幕 领土争端仍无进展

      Asia-Pacific leaders took steps forward on trade and environmental issues at their weekend summit in Russia but their progress was overshadowed by cont...

    来源 : 可可英语 09月12日 00:00 关键字 : 领土争端

  • 中国促增长计划面临考验

      China's economy is limping into the final months of the year, raising the question: why isn't Beijing doing more to support growth?   中国经济正在蹒...

    来源 : 可可英语 09月12日 00:00 关键字 : 社会稳定

  • 中国经济实现再平衡的三条途径

      After rising for seven years, the yuan has dropped 1% against the dollar in 2012, setting off intense speculation about Beijing's intentions. The thre...

    来源 : 可可英语 08月31日 00:00 关键字 : 汇率机制

  • 收购游艇巨头后 山东重工意犹未尽

      Less than a year after his company bought Italian luxury-yacht maker Ferretti, the chairman of a Chinese bulldozer maker with a cumbersome name says ...

    来源 : 可可英语 08月31日 00:00 关键字 : 潍柴动力股份有限公司

  • 澳门商人收购勃艮第葡萄园引不满

      Macau casino executive Louis Ng is getting a crash course in international relations as he tries to calm the French storm that followed news he had...

    来源 : 可可英语 08月31日 00:00 关键字 : 吴志诚

  • 日朝启动四年来首次直接会谈

      Japan and North Korea kicked off their first direct talks in four years, in a move analysts see as reflecting Pyongyang's desire to stabilize its ne...

    来源 : 可可英语 08月31日 00:00 关键字 : 会谈

  • 比亚迪利润暴跌 巴菲特效应减退

      BYD Co. might stand for Warren Buffett, yet disappointing.  比亚迪股份有限公司(BYD Co.)从一定程度上可能代表着巴菲特(Warren Buffett),但其表现却令人失望。   Sh...

    来源 : 可可英语 08月31日 00:00 关键字 : 巴菲特



