Last week’s global sell-off, the worst since January,had all the features that make such market eventsboth frightening and exciting for investors. It...
来源 : 可可英语 08月14日 18:38 关键字 : 解读新一轮全球范围内的资产抛售
Tax is a divisive subject but everyone seems toagree on one point: taxes are too complicated andshould be simpler. Unfortunately, tax systems didnot ...
来源 : 可可英语 08月14日 18:37 关键字 : 社会税制体系远比火星代数更复杂
When Peter Humphrey was convicted last week ofillegally obtaining the personal information of Chinesecitizens, it ended a case that had been closelywa...
来源 : 可可英语 08月14日 18:26 关键字 : 韩飞龙案令人关注中国尽职调查行业
The political crisis in Iraq intensified yesterday whenthe country’s president named a new prime ministerto replace Nouri al-Maliki, raising fears of ...
来源 : 可可英语 08月14日 18:25 关键字 : 双语时事 伊拉克总统任命阿巴迪为新总理
Ever since Hillary Clinton drew attention to herfinances by claiming her family was "dead broke"when they left the White House, speculation hasfocused...
来源 : 可可英语 08月14日 18:23 关键字 : 双语新闻 无人知晓希拉里究竟多有钱
Last week China put some flesh on the bones of itsplans to reform its hukou, or household-registration, system, which determines where peoplecan sett...
来源 : 可可英语 08月14日 18:22 关键字 : 中国户籍制度改革计划开始成形
Already beset by aftershocks, incessant rain andmudslides, relief efforts in China's quake-strickenYunnan province have run into another impediment:a ...
来源 : 可可英语 08月14日 15:58 关键字 : 志愿者涌入鲁甸地震灾区导致道路拥堵
AIG agreed to pay $960m to resolve a shareholderlawsuit that had demanded compensation –potentially exceeding $100bn – for the collapse inthe insuran...
来源 : 可可英语 08月14日 15:55 关键字 : 双语新闻 AIG同意支付9.6亿美元与股东和解
In the midst of the biggest bankruptcy in Chinesehistory in 1998, Wang Qishan, the Communist partyofficial in charge of the process, received a visit...
来源 : 可可英语 08月14日 15:47 关键字 :
When last week I saw a White House spokesman saythat Israel’s bombing of a UN school was “totallyindefensible”, I briefly thought that I had wit...
来源 : 可可英语 08月14日 15:43 关键字 : 双语新闻 以色列安全不能靠枪炮维持
Beijng's air-quality index on Monday fell to some ofits lowest levels all year -- in the single digits for twohours -- after rain swept away mo...
来源 : 可可英语 08月14日 15:42 关键字 : 北京欲保APEC会议期间 晴空万里
Starting this week, people sporting long beards,headscarves or clothes bearing the Islamic symbol ofa star and crescent moon won't be permitted tob...
来源 : 可可英语 08月14日 15:40 关键字 : 新疆克拉玛依出台"黑五类"
Chinese authorities have continued their crackdownon foreign firms. Their latest target? Mercedes-Benz. 中国政府近期持续对外国公司采取强硬手段,其最新目标目前...
来源 : 可可英语 08月14日 15:38 关键字 : 奔驰在中国遭遇反垄断调查
时长 : 21:15 主讲 : 徐宸
时长 : 29:45 主讲 : 乔迪
时长 : 21:15 主讲 : 徐宸
时长 : 44:09 主讲 : 徐宸
时长 : 29:45 主讲 : 乔迪
时长 : 18:37 主讲 : 孔令金
时长 : 18:37 主讲 : 孔令金
时长 : 18:37 主讲 : 孔令金