Larry Ellison, co-founder of Oracle and the tech industry’s second-richest man, has stepped aside as chief executive of the US database software comp...
The US and Canada have urged the EU to resolve itsinternal political differences and do more tostimulate its economy, amid concerns the bloccould im...
来源 : 可可英语 10月08日 16:46 关键字 : 欧元区可能拖累全球经济复苏
In the second quarter of this year, real domesticdemand in the eurozone was 5 per cent lower than inthe first quarter of 2008. The eurozone’sunempl...
来源 : 可可英语 10月08日 16:44 关键字 : 欧元区成员国该如何应对经济挑战
Can the US “degrade and ultimately destroy” theIslamic State in Iraq and Syria, or Isis, as PresidentBarack Obama promised on Wednesday, withoutbeing...
来源 : 可可英语 09月25日 16:07 关键字 : 打击ISIS
China has launched a fresh effort to boost itsflagging economy with cash injections by the centralbank, but signs are mounting that monetarystimulus i...
来源 : 可可英语 09月25日 16:06 关键字 : 中国面临"资产负债表衰退"风险
APPLE prides itself on constantly re-imagining thefuture, but even the world's leading gadget-makerlikes to dwell on the past too. Thirty years ago...
来源 : 可可英语 09月25日 16:05 关键字 : 苹果的下一篇章
Apple's iOS 8 is so secure, even the policecan't gethold of your personal details: Tim Cook outlinesfirm's latestprivacy plans 苹果公司称iO...
来源 : 可可英语 09月25日 15:39 关键字 : 苹果公司称iOS8非常安全
David Cameron will back further powers for Scotlandwhatever the outcome of talks on Englishdevolution, Downing Street was forced to admityesterday, in ...
来源 : 可可英语 09月25日 15:36 关键字 : 卡梅伦承诺将赋予苏格兰更多权力
Rising renminbi trade settlement and a sliding euroare fuelling a surge in hedging between the twocurrencies by both multinationals and investors. 日...
来源 : 可可英语 09月25日 15:34 关键字 : 双语新闻 欧元兑人民币期权交易激增
Shares in Alibaba surged by 38 per cent on their first day of trading, valuing Jack Ma’s Chinese ecommerce juggernaut at more than $230bn and maki...
来源 : 可可英语 09月25日 15:33 关键字 : 阿里巴巴上市首日股价即攀升38%
In Europe it is hard to find two more soliddemocracies and flourishing economies than Swedenand Germany. Yet the strong performances ofradical right ...
来源 : 可可英语 09月25日 15:24 关键字 : 欧洲必须认真对待民粹主义威胁
The US House of Representatives voted in favour onWednesday of the Obama administration’s plan totrain and arm moderate Syrian rebels althoughlarge n...
来源 : 可可英语 09月25日 15:23 关键字 :
New home prices fell across China in August,underscoring the severity of a property marketslowdown that some analysts say presents one ofthe greatest ...
来源 : 可可英语 09月25日 15:20 关键字 : 双语时事 八月份中国部分城市房价继续下行
Pity Chinese policy makers. They must deal with anunbalanced economy in more ways than one. China’spopulation ranges from the millions of rural poor...
来源 : 可可英语 09月25日 15:11 关键字 : 更多的政策刺激对中国经济的发展未必是好事
Apple’s iPhone 6 has passed a key regulatory hurdlein China but still has not received permission to besold in the country, according to Xinhua, th...
来源 : 可可英语 09月25日 15:10 关键字 : iPhone 6尚未获得中国入网许可
时长 : 21:15 主讲 : 徐宸
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时长 : 18:37 主讲 : 孔令金