Much has already been written about Microsoft’s newWindows 10 and the reintroduction of its long-lostStart button after the company unveiled its upda...
来源 : 可可英语 10月10日 17:37 关键字 : 微软增长的关键是云业务
As Somali pirates become ever more audacious ,they are regularly portrayed in the press as viciousaggressors, taking innocent people hostage, only toa...
来源 : 10月10日 17:33 关键字 : 懂经济的索马里海盗
David Sokol, long considered by outsiders to be themost likely candidate to succeed Warren Buffett,resigned from Berkshire Hathaway Inc. afterpurchasing...
来源 : 可可英语 10月10日 17:32 关键字 : 巴菲特头号接班人索科尔辞职
Concerns grew over the potential economic impactof the Ebola outbreak in west Africa after the WorldBank warned that the region faced a $32.6bneconomi...
来源 : 可可英语 10月10日 16:17 关键字 : 世界银行警告 埃博拉将重创西非经济
Cash-strapped governments across Europe arereeling in investment from Chinese millionaires andother big spenders by offering “golden visa”residence perm...
来源 : 可可英语 10月10日 16:15 关键字 : 欧洲用"黄金签证"
KANAS LAKE, China — The two amateurphotographers stood on a hill overlooking thesparkling river in this remote alpine park, waitingfor nomads to eme...
来源 : 可可英语 10月10日 16:04 关键字 : 新疆游客人数因安全形势恶化锐减
A state-owned bad loan bank has agreed to bail outChina’s first domestic bond default, in a move thatcould reinforce the assumption that even riskyc...
来源 : 可可英语 10月10日 16:01 关键字 : 长城资产管理公司救助中国首只违约债券
Limited-liability, privately owned joint-stockcompanies are the core institutions of moderncapitalism. These entities are largely responsible fororganising...
来源 : 可可英语 10月10日 15:59 关键字 : 股东价值最大化是否合理值得商榷
CY Leung, Hong Kong’s chief executive who is atthe centre of the storm over political reform in theterritory, has come under renewed pressurefollowin...
来源 : 可可英语 10月10日 15:55 关键字 : 梁振英被曝未申报所收巨款
On Tuesday the International Monetary Fundreleased its latest World Economic Outlook. Astriking new finding emerges: the seven largestemerging markets a...
来源 : 可可英语 10月10日 15:51 关键字 : 新"G7"将要超越七国集团
One of Vladimir Putin’s former closest associates hassaid Russian businessmen were all now “serfs” whobelonged to the president, with none of the ...
来源 : 可可英语 10月10日 15:50 关键字 : 俄罗斯已无私有财产
Another week, another regulatory battle for Uber,the Silicon Valley private car hire network with aGerman name. This time it is in Germany, where aFr...
来源 : 可可英语 10月10日 15:43 关键字 : 双语新闻 德国不该对Uber喊停
The world’s biggest banks have agreed to tear upthe rule book on derivatives to make it easier toresolve a future failing institution like LehmanBr...
来源 : 可可英语 10月10日 15:40 关键字 : 破产银行衍生品交易规则将改变
China will begin direct trading between itsyuancurrency and the euro starting on Tuesday, thenational foreign exchangemarket's operator said, asBeiji...
来源 : 可可英语 10月10日 15:40 关键字 : 中国将让人民币与欧元直接交易
时长 : 21:15 主讲 : 徐宸
时长 : 29:45 主讲 : 乔迪
时长 : 21:15 主讲 : 徐宸
时长 : 44:09 主讲 : 徐宸
时长 : 29:45 主讲 : 乔迪
时长 : 18:37 主讲 : 孔令金
时长 : 18:37 主讲 : 孔令金
时长 : 18:37 主讲 : 孔令金