Apple plans to do more to warn customers whenhackers try to access their iCloud accounts, thecompany said on Thursday, as it attempts to closesecurit...
来源 : 可可英语 09月11日 13:58 关键字 : 减少泄密风险 苹果iCloud攻击
Chinese police have detained eight people, includingjournalists from one of China’s top business dailies,for allegedly blackmailing and extorting large ...
来源 : 中新网 09月11日 12:03 关键字 : 21世纪网新闻敲诈被拘
China has a growing number of Christians, and that'scausing increasing tensions with the officially atheisticruling Chinese Communist Party. China'...
来源 : 可可英语 09月11日 12:00 关键字 : 中国特色的基督教
It’s been a wretched five weeks forAmerican fastfood in China. 过去五周,在华经营的美国快餐企业如坐针毡。 The humiliation reached a new pitch Friday w...
来源 : 可可英语 09月11日 11:59 关键字 : 快餐丑闻 福喜为何会在中国出事
SAN FRANCISCO — When Apple wants to make a bigsplash, it returns to its history. 旧金山——当苹果(Apple)希望掀起一层巨浪时,它选择回归自己的历史。 Thir...
来源 : 中新网 09月11日 11:57 关键字 : 苹果即将推出智能手表和大屏手机
NEW DELHI — Is that her mother or her maid? 新德里——那是她的母亲还是她的女佣? That was the question a little girl asked out loudabout the woman...
来源 : 中新网 09月11日 11:56 关键字 : 印度免费教育能否打破贫富隔阂
HONG KONG — With its stock near a high and itslatest iPhone expected to be introduced on Tuesday,Apple is facing new accusations of violations of ...
来源 : 中新网 09月11日 11:55 关键字 : 苹果中国代工工厂再被指违规
PARIS — It has been nearly four years since thefashion mogul Bernard Arnault shocked the Frenchbusiness world and added billions to his fortune bys...
来源 : 可可英语 09月11日 11:53 关键字 : 爱马仕与LVMH股权争端终和解
For years, many tech workers in Silicon Valley haveenjoyed free meals — one of several cushy perksoffered the likes of Google, Facebook, and countl...
来源 : 可可英语 09月09日 12:16 关键字 : 硅谷表示对公司免费员工餐收税是个馊主意
Much to Apple’s dismay, the nude-celebs-on-the-iCloud story has legs like a supermodel. 让苹果(Apple)十分沮丧的是,iCloud名流裸照泄露事件就像长了超模的长腿一...
来源 : 可可英语 09月09日 12:15 关键字 : iCloud名流裸照泄露事件
When Daimler decided to post a board member toBeijing for the first time, it did so with a simplemandate: repair long-running operational problemsat ...
来源 : 可可英语 09月09日 12:13 关键字 : 双语新闻 中国反垄断调查"搅局"豪车大战
HONG KONG — For months, foreign companies inChina have been quietly enduring increasedscrutiny from Chinese government antitrustenforcers, issuing only...
来源 : 可可英语 09月09日 12:12 关键字 : 双语新闻 在华外企联手反击中国反垄断行动
After 250 South Korean high school students died inthe sinking of the Sewol ferry in April, the artist HongSung-dam lashed out at a political and ...
来源 : 可可英语 09月09日 12:07 关键字 : 韩国艺术家因嘲弄总统而遭遇审查
LVMH has given up the fight for Hermès, ending abitter four-year battle between the luxury industry’sGoliath and its family-controlled rival. 路威酩...
来源 : 可可英语 09月09日 12:04 关键字 : LVMH与Hermès结束"手袋战争"
时长 : 21:15 主讲 : 徐宸
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时长 : 18:37 主讲 : 孔令金